About Nawala Metro

Who Are We?

Leo Club of Nawala Metro is a proud member of Leo District 306 C2 and sponsored by the Lions club of Nawala in 2013. Since 2013, it is engaging in wide array of community service work.

Metros are already leading the society the way forward by pioneering social innovations. Leo club of Nawala metro is the place where great youth’s minds meet together and render tremendous service to the global community. Not only social service also this bring forth positive and engaged leaders to the community. We seek the lots of young, innovative and passionate leaders to the community so far.

As a result of our efforts, dedication and service to society, we were deserved as the most outstanding new Leo club in Sri Lanka in year 2013/14, most outstanding Leo club in Sri Lanka in year 2014/15, most outstanding Leo club in Sri Lanka 2nd runners up in 2016/17, most outstanding Leo club in Sri Lanka 2nd runner up in year 2017/18 and most outstanding Leo club in Leo District

306 C 2 1st runner up in year 2018/19.

It was our parent lions club and Leo district 306 C2 who helped us with all this greatest achievement. Their generous support and guidance lead us to greatness and it was blessing throughout our journey.

We, Leo Club of Nawala Metro will be engaging our noble task for the 7th consecutive year and we will continue to commit ourselves to the betterment of society and tomorrow.

Notible Accolades

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What You Get

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